The doubles rule (taking an extra turn, or going to jail after three consecutive doubles rolls) remained, as did the auction rule (a space, when landed on, if not purchased by the player whose token landed on it, would be auctioned by the bank). Other features: Rules for the game were widely changed for this edition. Issued through: General release in Belgium. Released by: Waddington (though suggested it may have been made by Miro, in France) Bills are the 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 1 euro coins with starting cash of 1500 euro.
The property and penalty prices are presumed to match the new billset, with the starting cash equal to 30,000 francs (1,500 x 20). The currency values in the Belgian editions used to be francs. All together -special editions included- there are some 53 listed versions using these variants, including translations of other variants (FIFA World Cup, Star Wars, etc.). Street names are taken from cities across the country, equally divided between the Dutch and French speaking halves of the kingdom. Recent editions use bilingual game boards. They used to be either in Dutch or in French. There have been several editions of Belgian boards.